Gloss Wash Shampoo
Gloss Wash Shampoo
$33.95 from $29.95
Snow Foam Tyre Shine
Snow Foam Tyre Shine
$38.90 from $19.95

Snow Foam Signature Spray Wax


Keep your car shining with Snow Foam Signature Spray Wax.

After you've cleaned your car thoroughly, grab a soft microfibre towel and mist on Snow Foam Spray Wax one panel at a time. Not only will you give your car a hydrophobic protecting layer, you'll ensure your car is spotless and free from water spots.

It also provides a nice smooth shine that will help keep dirt from sticking to your paintwork. This means an even easier Snow Foaming next weekend.

1. Clean and dry your car thoroughly
2. Apply Spray Wax onto panel and mist onto clean microfibre cloth
3. Work Spray Wax onto the panel
4. Flip your microfibre over to buff dry

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