Microfibre Wash
Microfibre Wash
$19.95 from $14.95

Microfibre Towel Packs

$119.99 $12.95

Snow Foam Microfibre Towels are an all-rounder. Soft, appropriately sized and no danger to your paintwork,you can wipe down the car,windows,panels and interior.

On the exterior, we love teaming the microfibre towels with Snow Foam Spray Wax to finish off our rinse and provide that extra shine that we all desire. They are also handy when used with Interior Cleaner for dashboards and plastic trims.

Great bundles available to ensure you don't run out next wash or have to reuse dirty microfibre towels. Simply pop them into the washing machine using a soft wash and dry in shade for next use.

  • Multiple Use for interior and exterior
  • Lint-Free / Non-Abrasive
  • Size: 40x40cm
  • Colour: Black
  • 250 GSM
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